

MEGAclub is the MUN-Club at the Lycée Michel-Rodange.

Every friday 14h15-15h40 SU12

Namun 2025

From February 2nd the 8th, our LMRL students travelled to Namur in Belgium to participate at NaMUN 2025. Alexis Neu Arend won an outstanding speaker award as the delegate from Iran in the General Assembly and Seohyeon Choi representing the delegate of China was also given an an outstanding speaker award in her UNODC committee. Click on the link below to watch a short video about our trip to Namur.


ToMUN 2024

The 24th September, six MEGA club students and two teachers departed on a journey to Poland. Our delegation from Lycée Michel-Rodange felt honored to not only bring two chairs to this year’s conference (Victor Fola and Tara Mac Neill), but also win three nominations for best delegate (Flavio Jager, Emma Conzemius and Seohyeon Choi). The first destination was Gdańsk, a historical city mainly known for its pivotal role in the Polish people’s fight for freedom from communism in the 1980s, but also for its gothic charm, extensive industrial port and amber jewelry.


Zamun 2024

From April 10th to April 14th, seven LMRL students travelled to Žilina in Slovakia to participate at ZaMUN, an international simulation of a UN conference. Participants were Alexis Neu Arend, Victor Fola, Emma Cadivel, Ilenia Pietrantuono, Lara Özen, Seohyeon Choi and Pol Keup. Each LMRL student was hosted by a local student from the Gymnázium Bilingválne, our school’s bilingual partner school just outside of the city centre of Zilina.


Leiden MUN 2023

During the first three days of December 2023, LEMUN was held, its theme being:“Let us sing songs of freedom”


ToMUN 2023

ToMUN is an international simulation of a UN conference, to which people from all around the world travel. The ToMUN 2023 conference was divided into eight committees with four of them participating also in the General assembly, where the subject was “The issues of mass migration”. The conference lasted 3 days and involved beside the debating and lobbying in the different committees, a visiting tour around the beautiful city of Torùn, a beginners’ workshop, a party and an opening and closing ceremony.


Wanderlust 2023

The project « Wanderlust » is an educational excursion which unites 6 countries from Europe: Spain, Germany, Belgium, Slovakia, Poland and Luxembourg. At first students stayed with host families in Zaragoza. Then they travelled to Linza, a unique spot in the heart of the Pyrenees in Huesca, in the northwestern region of Aragon. The main goal of Wanderlust is the reflection about human relationship with his environment through the generation of aesthetic links with nature.


NAMUN 2022

De MEGA-Club vum Lycée Michel-Rodange huet un der NaMUN (Model United Nations) Konferenz zu Namur deelgeholl, déi vun der belscher Partnerschoul Institut de Providence de Champion organiséiert gouf. Insgesamt 63 Schüler aus 7 Länner hunn um Event participéiert, dee vum 2. bis den 4. Februar am Wallounesche Parlament stattfonnt huet.


Veggie Cookbook & Meatless Monday

Download our vegetarian MEGA cookbook here.

The Veggie Monday, initiated at the request of Lycée Michel-Rodange, Athenée and Lycée Aline Mayrisch, is part of the sustainable catering concept implemented by Restopolis at the start of 2021/2022. These "meat-free snacks" provide that, on the first day of the week, the catering offer in all three high schools consists only of vegan and vegan menus and products. The pilot project, initially organized between the 2021 Toussaint holiday and the 2022 Carnival holiday, proved to be a great success. Restopolis and the schools concerned have therefore decided to extend it beyond the test phase. Veggie Monday is now an integral part of the gastronomic calendar of the three high schools.


MEGA Projects

Our MEGAclub is responsible for many different projects at school:

  • Veggie Monday
  • Insect Hotel
  • Coffee Culture
  • Ecological Footprint
  • Veggie Cookbook
  • Help for Ukraine

Download an overview of our projects here.


MEGA2 Namur

MEGA² closing conference Hello there! My name is Vanessa and I recently had the opportunity to take part in the MEGA² conference (8 – 11 May 2022), which took place in Namur. Students from 5 different countries gathered to bring the MEGA project to a successful end. The event was later followed by the C-side conference which took place in Oostende.


C-Side Conference

Hi! My name is Lianna and I am member of the MEGA club Luxembourg. I have had the opportunity to participate at the MEGA2 conference in Namur which was followed by the C-side conference in Oostende. In this report I am going to talk about the conference in Oostende where 18 delegations from 16 different countries all over Europe have come together. My dear friend Vanessa who has participated at both conferences as well is going to tell you about our impressions of the MEGA2 conference.


Earth Z

Hello ! We are Lizi & Mathew and we are members from MEGA-Club from Luxembourg. In October 2021, we had the opportunity to participate in the EARTHZ-Conference in Zaragoza. This conference was mainly about giving us a better understanding of our changing climate, as wells as thinking about climate change solution. Furthermore, we were able to learn about the history of the city. However, it wasn’t only about being all serious, but it was also exciting to be able to get in touch and „network“ with new people from different countries and backgrounds.


MEGA Konferenz Lübbecke

In überschäumender Vorfreude auf den fünftägigen europäischen Klimagipfel MEGA (Make Environment Great Again) stürzte sich daher die gleichnamige Arbeitsgemeinschaft in die monatelange Vorbereitung der multilateralen Jugendbegegnung der Partnerschulen des Wittekind-Gymnasiums in Saragossa (Spanien), Luxemburg-Stadt (Luxemburg), Namur (Belgien), Toruń (Polen) und Žilina (Slowakei).


TOMUN 2019

From 26th September to 1st October 2019, five members of our Lycée Michel -Rodange HOPE-club – HOPE standing for Human Opportunities for Peace in Europe,the topic of an Erasmus+ project financed by the EU – succesfully participated in the ToMUN conference in Toruń, Poland.


MEGAlux 2019

MEGA – Make our Environment Great Again is the title of the conference taking place at Lycée Michel-Rodange from 10th – 14th November 2019 in Luxembourg-City.

40 students and 52 teachers from 14 countries will participate in workshops and MUN debates dealing with environmental issues. The idea is to make people more aware of what must and actually can be done to leave an eco-friendlier footprint on the planet. We wish to enforce as well as initiate environmental school projects all over Europe that will make a sustainable difference.


The World as a Global Village

In November 2017, our HOPE club conducted an multilateral survey with 250 students in our partner schools from five countries Poland, Slovakia, Spain and Germany including our Lycée Michel-Rodange. At each school fifty students were asked to participate in a survey on the topic "The World as a global village". This exhibition is showing you the results.


Interview with Prime Minister Xavier Bettel

On Monday 28th May some students of the LMRL HOPE Club togehter with their teachers Mrs. Droste, Mr. Brücher and Ms. Galli were invited to the State Ministery in order to interview Mr. Xavier Bettel, Prime Minister of Luxembourg, on the topic « what does peace cost? ».


LuxMUN 2018

Since 2014, LMRL students have been travelling to international MUN (Model United Nation) conferences – now our club is organising the first MUN in Luxembourg: LuxMUN 2018 on the topic “Hope for Peace”. From 1st to 5th February 2018, boys and girls aged 17-19 from Germany, Belgium, Spain, Poland, Slovakia and Luxembourg will debate in the following committees: